Use Your Voice
One of the biggest barriers to addressing the unintentional overdose crisis is the limited access to reliable fentanyl testing equipment. By using our Use Your Voice tool, you can take meaningful action. Reach out to your congressperson with a pre-written email, provided below, urging them to allocate funding for fentanyl testing resources. Together, we can save lives—one message at a time.

Click on the Find Your Congressperson button and enter in your zip code to locate your representative.

Click the "Email" button below their picture.

Step 3:
On their website, select "Email Me."

Step 4:
Verify your zip code when prompted.

Step 5:
Fill in your personal information as required.

Step 6:
Copy and paste our pre-written message into the "Text of Your Message" box and send email.
Thank you for making a difference!